Qazi Hussain Ahmed was third elected Ameer, Jamaat-e-Islami of Pakistan, after its fouder-Ameer Syed Abu ul Ala Maudoodi and his successor Mian Tufail Muhammad. He was born in 1938 in Village Ziarat Kaka Kheil Sahib District Noshera NWFP, his father Molana Qazi Abdul Rab, was a distinguished Theologian and partly because of his Scholarship, and partly because of his political insight he was elected President the then Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind NWFP.
He is the youngest amongst his ten siblings. His two elder brothers namely Dr. Attique-ul- Rehman and late Qazi Atta ur Rehman had been workers of Islami jamiat-e-Talaba(A sister orgainzation of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan). Qazi Hussain Ahmed followed the suit and started participating in the activities of jamiat. He studied Jamiat Literature and imbibed the spirit thereof, and then dedicated the rest of his life for the cause of Islam.
Earlier Education and Practical Life
Qazi Hussain Ahmed received his earlier education from his learned father at home, then having passed his graduation from Islamia College Peshawar. He earned his M.Sc in Geography from University of Peshawar, whereafter, he taught as Lecturer in Jahanzeb College Saidu Sharif for three years. Due to political activities, and his natural bend for the same he had to discontinue his service, so he resigned. Thereafter, he started his own business at Peshawar, there too, he made his name known and was elected as Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry NWFP.
Political Life
His introduction with Islami Jamiat Talba during his student life, whipped up his zeal to work in the vanguard of Islamic movement. Therefore, he acquired the membership of jamaat Islami and went on to head the Organization in Peshawar City, then District Peshawar and thereafter the President ship of the NWFP Chapter of the party fell to his lot.
In 1978 he was appointed as Secretary General of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan, in 1987 he became Ameer-e-Jamaat (president of the Party), and since then has served as such, for four terms in a row.Qazi Hussain Ahmed was elected to the Senate of Pakistan in 1985, and again elected Senator in 1992, but this time in protest to the Government Policies, he resigned as senator.
It is worth mentioning that he won the election as a member of National Assembly from two constituencies in the general election held in the year 2002 .
UNITY OF UMMAH----- The first priority
Qazi Hussain Ahmed has always taken pride as a follower of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and therefore unity of the followers of the Prophet of Islam has always been his chief concern and to get this objective, he has striven hard to forge unity amongst various factions of Islamic Parities and that especially of the components of MMA Alliance (Muthida Majlas-e-Amal) was materialization of his dream. Due to his selflessness, he was unanimously elected President of the Alliance after the sad demise, of Maulana Shah Ahmed Noorani. Earlier, when the fire of hatred of dissent and division between Shias and Sunnies, was flame, he formed National solidarity council (Milli Yakjehti Council) which effectively extinguished the sectarian fire. Thereafter he was instrumental in the formation of IJI (Islami Jamhoori Ittehad) an alliance of right wing of political Parties.
When lingual bias in Karachi was enflamed Qazi Sahib led a procession of brotherhood love and peace (Karwan-e- Dawat-o- Muhabbat), all the way from Peshawar to Karachi and back which enkindled the candle of love throughout country in general, and peace was restored in Karachi, in particular. It may be recalled that he dauntlessly, led Tahrik-e-Nazam-e-Mustafa(Enforcement of Sharia) in the province of NWFP as its provincial chief and bore the brunt of imprisonment. His efforts to bring about unity among Ummah were not confined to the territories of Pakistan alone, rather, they were world wide in scope and nature.
When Mujahideen battling the then USSR, fell apart, Qazi Hussain Ahmed collected notables and leaders from around the Muslim world, to iron out the differences among various Afghan Mujahideen Groups, unfortunately, the enemy neutralized all such efforts. Again seeds of dissent were sown among Muslim Freedom Fighters in Kashmir; he again brought them together and dispelled the misgivings in time. When Doctor Hasan Turabi Founder Of Islamic Movement in Sudan, and General Umar Hasan Al Bashir the Head Of the State, stood estranged, both the parties referred the matter to the Qazi Sahib for arbitration which resulted in peace between the parties. But the International and regional conspiracies frustrated peace efforts, notwithstanding, he let not the differences turn into a clash.
Be it, Iraq, Kuwait or issue of Palestine, Qazi Hussain Ahmed was not less concerned. Plight of the Muslims in Bosnia ,Kosovo and Chechnia, agonized him beyond description, last but not least repression of the Muslims in Burma and Eriteria equally pained him, therefore he tried his best to find out a just solution to the aforementioned problems under the aegis of united forum Of Muslim Ummah.
Qazi Sahib and Extention Of Propogation
Right after assuming the leadership of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan, Qazi Hussain Ahmed paid special attention to the propagation of the manifesto of the Party by taking out countrywide processions, extending invitation to study the program of the party to the notables from every walk of life and in this connection, he formed various National Committees, a hectic membership campaign was launched throughout country , as a result thereof, over 4.5 million of people, espoused the cause of Jamaat-e-Islami.
Arrests and Imprisonments
Qazi Hussain Ahmed was arrested on many a occasion for his commitment to the cause of his party. He was first arrested during Tahrik-e-Nizam-e-Mustafa in 1977 again he was imprisoned when he took out a protest procession against American aggression in Afghanistan. Once more he protested over publication of blasphemous cartoons of the Prophet (PBUH) in Danish Paper, thus he was jailed during his detention, he penned down number of articles which were later published in a book form, which are eight in number.
Family Life
Qazi Hussain Ahmed is married with two sons and two daughters. His wife and children all are Jamaat-e- Islami activists. He is lodging up in a two bed room flat which speaks volumes of the facts that how simple a life he leads like any party worker. He has full command over Urdu,English , Arabic and Persian a part from his native tongue Pushto. He is great admirer of the poet of Islam. Allama Muhammad Iqbal and quotes if from his both Urdu and Persian poetry, at will, in his speeches and conversations.