A writer, playwright and a versatile genius Taj Haider was born on March 8, 1942 at Kotah in Raihastan. Hailing from an enlightened family, he received early education at GBSS, Ranchore Lines, Karachi, before moving to Khairpur for his higher secondary education. He earned B Sc Honours from the Karachi University in 1962 and further studied to get the M Sc. degree during the year 1962-63 at the same University. He also did a certificate course in exports in 1980.
Having an in-born aptitude for academics, literature and fine arts he made an early impact. His writings and contributions reflected his urge to set the things in order and see that right prevails over might. He continued to advance and promote the cause of the down trodden through his writings and wrote memorable plays for the Pakistan Television very actively from 1978 to 1985.
His political career is also imbued with the same urge for reformation and open minded approach towards the solution of the problems of the people particularly those living below the poverty line. He is a founder member of the Pakistan Peoples Party and was a committed supporter of change oriented philosophy of late Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
He has had the honour of contributing in the projects like Saindak Integrated Mineral Development Project, Heavy Mechanical Complex, Manchar Lake, Lal Shahbaz Airport, Hub Dam and Thar Coal Deposits Project aimed at fighting environmental pollution.
He was elected to the Senate of Pakistan in July 1995 against the seat vacated by the former Senator Mr. Kamaluddin Azfar on his appointment as Governor Sindh. He remained a member of the Senate Standing Committees on Industries and Production and on Water and Power and on Education and Scientific and Technological Research and also on Functional Committee on Less Developed Areas. Presently he is the Secretary of the Pakistan People Party’s Karachi Division.